Beyond Words

Words, Wit and Wisdom for Today's Style and Decision Makers

Travel Bug June 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — carlawordsmithblog @ 6:12 pm

Tis the season for travel. Americans are traveling overseas in record numbers this year, setting aside worries about inflation and “prioritizing meaningful experiences over material goods,” according to a new report from Mastercard. Don’t believe that? Just look online. Everywhere I scroll someone is posting photos of their trips to one fabulous place after another. I’m guilty of posting a few photos of past trips myself and I enjoy doing so but I gotta admit I don’t enjoy travelling as much as I once did. Especially flying and especially flying during the summer. I seem to be joined somewhat by fellow travelers as choices are being made mindfully and earnestly.


“Today’s travelers are discerning, choosing destinations that offer both value and authenticity,” Michelle Meyer, chief economist and head of the Mastercard Economics Institute, which compiled the report, said. “Travel & Leisure” also interestingly reports that trending destinations are once-in-a-lifetime events, whether it’s a Taylor Swift concert, an international soccer tournament, or a solar eclipse. Consumers are also looking for places that offer excellent value, whether through favorable currency exchange rates or the overall bang-for-your-buck, somewhat proving that current inflation rates and overall increased cost-of-living expenses are playing a big part in where people go.




Among the hottest trending spots on Mastercard’s list are Tokyo, where the yen is down significantly compared to the U.S. dollar, as well as warm weather tropical favorites Aruba and Cancun. Additionally, rather than hopping from one destination to another, today’s travelers are extending their stays and immersing themselves in the experiences and wonders of each locale.


I do like the idea of settling in one spot but unless I’m going to one of my few remaining Bucket List locations, I’m happy either staying home or taking a road trip.


Speaking of road trips, we are scheduled to take a road trip with our three dogs to Ruidoso soon. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the devastating wild fires are contained and we are still able to make our favorite journey to the charming town, but most of all we are praying for all those displaced and whose homes and businesses were destroyed. Will you join me?


We love going to Ruidoso and do so annually. I’d also love to return to Costa Rica, where we visited annually until the pandemic shut the world down, but unfortunately the land of “pura vida” has been officially discovered so it’s more crowded and the hotel we called home each year is now 10 times more expensive. Sadly, no gracias.



I would love to return to Costa Rica, where we visited annually until the pandemic shut the world down, but unfortunately the land of “Pura Vida” has been officially discovered so it’s more crowded and the hotel we called home each year is now 10 times more expensive. Sadly, no gracias.





What about you? Do you prefer to return to places you previously visited or do you like to explore new and exciting places? I’m somewhere in the middle as there are destinations I haven’t been that I’d like to visit, but I also love returning to places I know and love and know that I love.




I’ve pretty much loved the majority of places I’ve been blessed to visit, some more than one time, some more than others, and most I’d visit again but before that, I do still have a few on my Bucket List. I would still like to see Ireland but am okay if I never do and Montana/Wyoming sound lovely but quite a chore to plan. Ultimately, the majority of places I still want to see are in the U.S. International travel is hard and with all that’s going on in our crazy world I’m a bit of the thinking that if I can’t drive home if need be, I’m staying home. That being said, I’m hell bent on seeing the Biltmore and surrounding Ashville; Louisville/Lexington and their bourbon trails, horse farms, and Churchill Downs; Colonial Williamsburg; Coeur d’Alene, Idaho; and Newport, RI. Hopefully I’ll get to at least one of them this year.




Anyplace else I’m okay not seeing. Oddly enough one of those places is Hawaii. Neither my husband nor I have been and have no desire to. Yes, we’ve heard how beautiful it is, but if I’m going to fly that far I’m going to Ireland or somewhere else in Europe. Would I go if it was free? Of course, but if it were up to the two of us, we’re happy with Santa Fe; Ruidoso; Scottsdale; New Orleans; Longboat Key, Florida; his hometown of East Aurora, NY; and a couple of golf destinations in between. Call us old, call us simple, call us satisfied.




We know we are blessed. We’ve experienced many of great cities and charming countries in the world. My husband has played golf at most of the treasured courses and I’ve relaxed in a sundry of fabulous spas…my happy place. For 21 straight years I’ve been beyond fortunate with trips with four college buddies to a different location every year. I do have one travel regret though. I regret never going to visit my niece when she lived in Japan or going with her and her family on one of their annual trips to her husband’s home country. Someday maybe.




Naturally there will be trips to see family and attend weddings, which we always enjoy, but chosen and planned out travels are somewhat off our radar list. For starters, my husband has travelled for business for 40+ years (and yes, I’ve heard the argument “but leisure travel is different than business travel, but tell that to someone who has travelled for 40+ years. A plane is a plane. A hotel starts being a hotel. And a destination is just somewhere away from home. As his grateful wife I respect it and I get it.) and flying today is such a hassle. Truth be told, I would much rather take a long road trip then hop on a plane. Drive me to Montana before flying me to Hawaii.




Speaking of the two states, there’s also the beach vs. mountains and city vs. small town decisions to be made. Both my husband and I grew up snow skiing and continued doing so early in our marriage and in our younger days. We’ve also always loved the beach and now in our more current “mature” years, we prefer the beach although we do love a beautiful mountain town in the summer. Big cities are exciting but I’m kinda over them and prefer small, quaint towns.


I do somewhat admire (but don’t envy!) friends who go to what I call “daredevil destinations” like Machu Pichu or Antarctica as I would never choose to do any of them. I have ziplined in Costa Rica, rode in a dog sled in Alaska, jumped on board the Maid of the Mist at Niagara Falls, and breathed deep as my husband and I drove Furka Pass in Switzerland, but those are about the extent of my adventurous spirit. There’s just something very comforting and homey about going back to a lovely hotel and a familiar destination and in my comfort zone. Yeah, I know and have read all about that outside of your comfort zone is where the magic happens but I’m not big into magic either.



If you do travel this summer or anytime soon, Gretchen Rubin of the Happier podcast shed some summer travel hacks that I loved, including:

  • Buy a book as a souvenir. (Oddly enough I started doing this many trips ago and have loved every book I’ve brought home for my library.)
  • Choose a signature scent for the trip that will forever remind you of the memories made.
  • Bring an extra light tote that can be used as a shopping bag, beach bag, or extra carry-on bag. (I always have one of those foldable ones in my purse and it has proven clutch on many occasions.)
  • Take notes on your trip to help you remember details like places you loved and those you didn’t and what you might have do the same or even differently.


Tips from me:

  • Use hotel shower caps as shoe covers. You’re welcome!
  • Pack your patience. Things are not going to go exactly as planned. Flights will be delayed. Weather happens. Crowds congregate. Rubin suggests packing your humor too.
  • Count your blessings. Travel is a luxury. Be grateful for every trip you get to take.


Gray Malin

Safe travels to everyone heading out. I can’t wait to see the photos and hear all about your adventures. Have a wonderful time!


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